I, a Loyal Employee, Bow Before the Unrivaled Honesty and Transparency of My Startup’s CEO

A tale of transparent illusions

Anupam Chugh


Image generated using Midjourney. Prompt used: On a spotlighted stage, a CEO in a sharp suit confronts a loyal employee, both visibly distressed about financial matters. Silhouetted colleagues in the background watch the intense exchange, creating a dramatic scene

You probably know who I am! I’m your next-door neighbor colleague. Spiderman? Nah, just a humble 9–5 worker trying to find the balance between hybrid work and life in this post-COVID-metaverse-crypto-ai-visionpro era.



Anupam Chugh

iOS and Android Developer. Online Writer. Editor @BttrProgramming. Marketer. Wannabe Filmmaker, and a Funny Human bot!