ChatGPT Decodes the “Unsexy One-Minute Habits” Productivity Guide to Save 30+ Hours Every Week

If you can read this, you have already unlocked the key to efficient time management. If not, just ask ChatGPT to write productivity advice

Anupam Chugh
3 min readFeb 1, 2023

After testing out ChatGPT for programming tutorials and realizing it’s way more efficient than me, I thought to myself, why not just write productivity articles as code, considering tutorials written step-by-step are quickly becoming a thing of the past?

I wanted to test my theory, so I chose the “Unsexy One-Minute Habits That Save Me 30+ Hours Every Week” post. The productivity expert author of this post must have had superhuman powers to save an accurate amount of time per week since no one else has ever achieved such a feat without the assistance of a mystical time-turner like Hermione Granger!

I applied that advice to real-world use and realized I now waste more hours each week than I actually work. Naturally, I had to turn to the almighty know-it-all, ChatGPT, to give my ludicrous claims some validation. You know, because clearly, I’m on top of my game here. Eye roll

For technical readers, I reverse-engineered the below article in no time at all — like, in less than thirty seconds by telling my ChatGPT friend to “convert it into an algorithm” and then code it.


  1. Time-block your day the night before
  2. In the morning, micro-visualize the same schedule
  3. When it’s time to work, start counting backward from 5 to 1
  4. Start a timer and stay anchored to the work at hand
  5. When completing the most challenging and dreaded task of the day, use the 5-Second Rule to help you get started (5–4–3–2–1)
  6. Once the timer is up, take a break and repeat the process


Now write the above algorithm as code in Swift:

func timeManagement() {
// Time-block your day the night before
let timeBlocks = scheduleTimeBlocks()

// In the morning, micro-visualize the same schedule

// When it's time to work, start counting backward from 5 to 1

// Start a timer and stay anchored to the work at hand

// When completing the most challenging and dreaded task of the day, use the 5-Second Rule to help you get started (5-4-3-2-1)

// Once the timer is up, take a break and repeat the process

The sixth function takeBreakAndRepeat() is spooky. Are we doomed to live in an endless cycle until the end of time?

Regardless, I managed to unlock the mysteries of productivity in a flash, and became an instant productivity guru with the power to save millions of hours per week for myself and just five minutes of your reading time.

Oh, by all means, please feel free to ask for your three minutes back! I’m sure you can think of much better ways to waste your precious time than by reading my post.

In fact, I shouldn’t have even bothered posting this in the first place. After all, who needs hours of tedious writing and editing when you can just outsource your thoughts to an artificially intelligent pal?



Anupam Chugh

iOS and Android Developer. Online Writer. Editor @BttrProgramming. Marketer. Wannabe Filmmaker, and a Funny Human bot!