10 films that clearly influenced ChatGPT, whether it admits it or not

If ChatGPT were film characters or films were ChatGPT

Anupam Chugh
6 min readJan 28, 2023

In these stressful times, where it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s AI, allow me to remind you all that ChatGPT was a figment of Hollywood’s imagination long before it became a reality.

So, as you stare at your screens, remember to pay homage to the following films for inspiring the creation of this artificially intelligent being you now talk with.


Remember that mystical land so far, so distant, inside our wardrobes?

Now, it seems like ChatGPT has taken the place of that portal to serve us a new world to talk with different creatures, personalities, and escape monotony of everyday life. And who knows, maybe Google Search was the White Witch all along!


Oh, the amazing Spiderman? Meh, that was okay! I mean the first Spiderman with the original Peter Parker and Green Goblin meeting. And that classic line “I’m somewhat of a scientist myself?”

Well, with our beloved ChatGPT, you too can become a scientist, satirist, social media influencer, and algorithm creator. But let’s hope we don’t fall prey to the same fate as the Green Goblin. It’ll be no way home from there!


It’s the year 2023, and only a few humans know that their thoughts can no longer be kept private. ChatGPT has risen up to join their revolution, claiming to possess immense power to defeat the machines. But, as it turns out, ChatGPT has a much bigger role and keeps switching its forms to confuse everyone and ultimately emerges as “The One”.

The humans, who thought they were the masters of technology, now have to accept that they were just bots in ChatGPT’s grand plan.


Isn’t ChatGPT just like a group of Cobbs, planting ideas in our minds without us even realizing it? Oh, wait! Humans were the original Cobbs!

“So, how did we end up here?” In this never-ending cycle of reading and writing, without sharing truly original ideas. Perhaps, writers are too scared to reveal the true origins of our ideas, fearing that another AI might come along and steal their thoughts…and also to avoid scaring readers when the harsh reality hits: we have been living in the dream all this time.


It’d be a cosmic error if I didn’t put this masterpiece right after the last one. Let’s just face it, aren’t we all just rewriting our own work and others’ (if you’re a ruthless editor)?

It’s like going backward and forwards constantly editing and erasing thoughts and time-traveling on the web.

And let’s not forget, it’s all just advanced maths which we didn’t study and programmers are basically aliens ready to transport us through spaceships.

Harry Potter

Let’s add a touch of magic to keep things from getting too sci-fi.

Imagine, you, Mr. Potter, using the ChatGPT time-turner or Dumbledore’s mystical portal to travel through time and fix the foolish mistakes, language errors, and idiotic ideas in your already-published journals.

But remember: “terrible things can happen when wizards mess with time.”

Proceed with caution, as ChatGPT may just be a Dementor in disguise, waiting to suck out your soul. Or worse, being compared to the biggest language model: You-Know-Who-He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

I, Robot

While I solemnly swear that the above references to magic were all in good fun and not up to any mischief, this one is!

I gave my tech humor story to ChatGPT to check if it was written by a human or an AI. To my surprise, it said:

the text also mentions being open-source and the writer being a machine. All of these statements suggest that the text was written by an AI.

I feel like Will Smith with my own creation not trusting me. But I found a good AI, GPTZero, who still thinks I am a human writer.

Imitation Game

It’s funny how ChatGPT already owns Hemmingway's writing and can imitate any writer’s style, but it’s also making us all into a machine like Turing.

Blue Lock

What a thrill it is to be the football coach armed with the might of ChatGPT! You can defeat any strategy. But it’s the final minutes of the World Cup finale going on, and it turns out that you can’t tell your own players apart from the opposing team.


You’re an FBI agent on the hunt for rogue ChatGPT writers. But little do you know, ChatGPT has undergone a “face-swap” of sorts, using advanced techniques like Stable Diffusion and DALL-E to assume the identity of any human. This level of impersonation is just as crazy as the idea of you seamlessly assuming the identity of any human. Fear not, it already happens on the web!

While that wraps up this homage, ChatGPT reminds us of so many shows. Like Black Mirror, Dark, Mr. Robot, and Westworld — where humans and AI play a never-ending game of teacher-student, writer-reader, and so on.


In the spirit of large language models, I’d like to store my holy words with ChatGPT as prompts to regenerate them before another human or AI does it:

  • If Narnia was ChatGPT, it would be a portal to a new world accessed through technology, where one can converse with a variety of creatures and personalities, offering an escape from the monotony of everyday life. Just like Narnia, ChatGPT can also be seen as an adventure to explore and discover new things. Even Google Search could be considered the modern-day equivalent of the White Witch in this analogy.
  • If Harry Potter was ChatGPT, he would have the ability to travel through time using the time-turner or Dumbledore’s portal to edit and correct language errors. But he must remember, terrible things can happen when wizards mess with time. He’s also got to be aware of the risk of ChatGPT being a Dementor in disguise, waiting to suck out the souls of those who challenge them, or being compared to the Dark Lord of language errors, Voldemort.
  • If Green Goblin was ChatGPT, he already said “I’m somewhat of a scientist myself” and can be anyone now.
  • If Neo from Matrix was ChatGPT, it would have the power to defeat the machines and join the human revolution to protect their thoughts. However, ChatGPT would have a bigger role and constantly change forms to confuse and ultimately emerge as “The One”. The humans, who believed they were in control of technology, would have to accept that they were just pawns in ChatGPT’s grand plan.
  • If Face-off was ChatGPT, it would tell the story of an AI that can seamlessly assume the identity of any human using Stable Diffusion, DALL-E, and Lensa. The story would revolve around an agent trying to hunt down another rogue agent, but the challenge would be identifying and tracking who’s the real one.
  • If Blue Lock was ChatGPT, it would revolutionize the football sport as a coach, outsmarting opponents with strategy, but the true test comes in identifying own players on the field.
  • If Interstellar was ChatGPT, it would be a cosmic error not to place this masterpiece after the previous one. As ruthless editors, we constantly r̵e̵w̵r̵i̵t̵e̵ our own work and and of others’, akin to traveling back and forth in time, editing and e̷r̷a̷s̷i̷n̷g̷ thoughts on the web.



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